No New Nukes!
Bacchus Exhibit A. LNP DEIS Critical Deficiencies. Bacchus Exhibit A1. LNP Bacchus DEIS preliminary comment letter. Bacchus Exhibit A2. LNP Bacchus Affidavit. November 12, 2010 Bacchus Exhibit A3. LNP Interveners Motion to Compel Model files. September 27, 2010 Bacchus Exhibit A4. LNP Oral Argument Notice for Motion to Compel. October 15, 2010 Bacchus Exhibit A6. LNP Amended Contention 4. November 15, 2010 Bacchus Exhibit A7. Economic Impacts of Mining on Levy County. February 22, 2010 Bacchus Exhibit A8. LNP Deficient cultural resource surveys. Bacchus Exhibit A9. Impacts of inadequate archeological assessments. November 25, 2010
Bacchus Exhibit B. LNP DEIS Federal Agency Comments. Bacchus Exhibit B1. EPA comments Levy DEIS. Bacchus Exhibit B2. NOAA comments on Levy DEIS.
Bacchus Exhibit E. LNP Adverse Salt Drift Impacts Bacchus Exhibit E1. LNP salt drift FLDEPCOC appendices. Bacchus Exhibit E2. LNP Bruner email Tampa climate data. Bacchus Exhibit E3. LNP Citrus Levy SWFWMD cover classification map. Bacchus Exhibit E4. LNP NOAA Tampa rainfall data. Bacchus Exhibit E5. LNP NOAA Chiefland rainfall Rain. Bacchus Exhibit E6. NUREG 1555 on Salt Drift. Bacchus Exhibit E7. BDA Crystal River Aerial Salt Study’94-pics.
Bacchus Exhibit F. Unpermitted Taking of Listed Species. Bacchus Exhibit F1. WAR comments A-NRC Draft EIS Hearing-Final. Bacchus Exhibit F2. Bacchus coastal impacts to listed species 2001. Bacchus Exhibit F3. DOAH Save the Manatee mine case 96001723
“The nuclear “renaissance” stalls with pending collapse of proposed Calvert Cliffs-3 reactor in Maryland,” article by NIRS executive director Michael Mariotte (updated and condensed from August 5, 2010 posting on DailyKos).
New study: French nuclear program plagued by escalating costs and prevents adoption of clean renewable energy technologies. And some would use this failure as a model for the U.S.? Study by Marc Cooper of Vermont Law School’s Institute for Energy and the Environment.