In a major victory, a federal court rules that the NRC must consider security/terrorism issues in all nuclear licensing proceedings. For years, the NRC has tried to claim that the threat of terrorism on a nuclear facility is so remote that such issues need not be considered. Court decision is here.
In a major victory, a federal court rules that the NRC must consider security/terrorism issues in all nuclear licensing proceedings. For years, the NRC has tried to claim that the threat of terrorism on a nuclear facility is so remote that such issues need not be considered. Court decision is here.
On the NRC issued its Final Director’s Decision dismissing the request for emergency enforcement action of August 10, 2004 regarding the vulnerability of the General Electric Mark I and II Boiling Water Reactor irradiated fuel storage ponds that are elevated to the top of the reactor building at 32 units in the United States. Read Nuclear Security Coalition letter of response to the petiotion here.