The Texas Vermont “low-level” radioactive waste disposal compact commission is considering opening up to out-of-compact waste –commercial so-called “low-level” radioactive waste from other than TX and VT. Comments against the proposed rule were submitted by a coalition of concerned organizations.
A Perspective on U.S. Nuclear Waste Policies for the Last 40 Years, paper by Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center presented for the opening session of the Department of Energy’s Blue Ribbon Commission re-evaluating U.S. radioactive waste policy.
FOIA documents reveal Bush Administration signed contracts with nuclear utilities for government to take waste from new reactors—enough to fill two Yucca Mountain waste dumps—leaving taxpayers at risk for tens of billions of dollars. Press release.
Press Release from Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates (UK) announcing Submission to the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee: “Effective Arrangements for Waste from New Reactors Do Not Exist”.