June 1, 2007 "Tritium Hazard Report by Dr. Ian Fairlie for Greenpeace looks at radioactive hydrogen releases from reactors with a focus on Canadian heavy water reactors. Update
October 4, 2006 NRC Tritium Task Force Report finds no health consequences from unplanned and unmonitored tritium leaks. Update
April 5, 2006 Presentation of David Lochbaum, UCS, before NRC Petition Review Board on behalf of coalition co-petitioners. Update
March 30, 2006 Joint letter of concern for public health to Illinois Governor Blagovich regarding tritium leaks at Illinois reactors. Update
March 20, 2006 A 4-inch drain pipe from an interim tank that is already leaking with catch basin was installed. Update
March 20, 2006 Duct-tape-and-tie-wraps show how much concern Exelon is paying to this interim tank farm. Update
March 20, 2006 An interim tank farm of tritiated water growing at nuclear site is already leaking. Update
March 16, 2006 Illinois Attorney General files lawsuit against Exelon over tritium spills at Braidwood reactor. Update