October 31, 1999 NIRS questions on the “Parallex” Environmental Assessment for the proposed weapons-grade plutonium MOX shipment through Michigan for the meeting in Lansing with the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Update
March 24, 1999 Testimony of Michael Mariotte, executive director of NIRS, on S. 608, the Senate version of the Mobile Chernobyl bill. Before the Senate Energy Committee, Update
January 1, 1999 NIRS Comments on the DOE Office of Fissile Materials Disposition Environmental Assessment for the Parallex Project Fuel(MOX) Manufacture and Shipment (DOE/EA-1216, dated ), Friday, October 29, 1999. Update
June 2, 1998 VICTORY! Mobile Chernobyl bill stops in Senate ! Vote list for June 2 cloture vote. Update
October 30, 1997 House votes 307-120 in favor of HR 1270, Mobile Chernobyl bill. Final vote list, List of votes on amendments. Text of debate, October 29, 1997. Update
April 10, 1997 Thursday, Statement from Sen. Reid. Statement from Sen. Bryan. Statement from Sen. Craig (safer than going to the store for a quart of milk!). Statement from Sen. Murkowski. Reid reply to Sen. Murkowski. Reid & Bryan together reply to Sen. Murkowski. Update