Activists believe this is indicative of an attempt to downplay potential radioactive releases, especially as Tepco says it plans to vent the containment to relieve pressure, which will cause release of radioactivity into the air. There are six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power site, located near the town of Okama in the Fukushima Prefecture. Another site in the same Prefecture, Fukushima Daini, contains four nuclear reactors. The sites are on the eastern Japanese coast about 200 miles north of Tokyo. All of these reactors are owned and operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco). The earthquake of appears to be causing the greatest problems for the Fukushima Daiichi reactors, although several reactors at both sites were affected by the earthquake. Specifically, Fukushima I-2 has lost backup power and necessary cooling capability. As of 11:30 am Eastern time March 11, cooling capability has not been restored.