Nuclear Roulette: The Case Against a Nuclear Renaissance. New book from International Forum on Globalization, now available for free download. Good stuff!
Nuclear Power: No Solution to the Climate Crisis. Powerpoint from NIRS’ Executive Director prepared for debate with Nuclear Energy Institute for Clean Air Council in Philadelphia. Explains why nuclear power can’t save the climate and discusses genuinely clean technologies that can.
New study: French nuclear program plagued by escalating costs and prevents adoption of clean renewable energy technologies. And some would use this failure as a model for the U.S.? Study by Marc Cooper of Vermont Law School’s Institute for Energy and the Environment.
Physicians for Social Responsibility analysis of nuclear power provisions of the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act. Long version. Two-page summary.
200 organizations announce opposition to Kerry-Lieberman dirty energy “climate” bill. Press release (now with 213 organizational signers).
Powering a Green Planet. Interactive website put together by Scientific American that amplifies on the cover story: A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030, in which two California professors lay out a clear plan for the U.S. to become 100% renewable-powered by 2030.