NIRS comments to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for reactor license extensions or license renewal.
NIRS comments to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for reactor license extensions or license renewal.
NIRS fact sheet focuses on the sudden and unexpected discovery of cracking of stainless steel penetration sleeves in the bottom reactor vessel head at South Texas Project nuclear generating station.
NIRS comments to NRC in support of communications that strengthen requirements for inspection of deteriorating steam generator tubes in Pressurized Water Reactors.
NIRS letter to NRC Commission Chair Nils Diaz in follow-up to NIRS presentation to NRC Commissioners February 2003 conveying continued concern that the federal nuclear safety agency has not learned the most significant lesson from the near miss accident at Davis-Besse nuclear station (2002) regarding failure to enforce safety guidelines and an agency Order in a gamble to give FirstEnergy more production time.
NIRS speech to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Information Conference workshop focuses on material degradation of reactor internal components.
NIRS presented to the Commissioners of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission its concerns with the near-miss accident of the Davis-Besse nuclear power station and the agency’s abandonment of its safety principles for an industry production agenda.
NIRS comments in response to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Davis Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report outlining how the NRC lack of oversight and enforcement in the near miss accident at Davis-Besse 2002 has significantly undermined public confidence in the federal nuclear safety agency.