Greenpeace fact sheet on Vermont Yankee relicensing. The Vermont legislature will be determining the fate of this reactor soon. Act now!
NIRS presentation to the U.S. NRC Regulatory Information Conference workshop on “Pro-active Management of Material Degradation” in nuclear power stations which focuses on the incidence of failed and leaking fuel in operating reactors.
Anywhere from 25% to 33% of the nation’s nuclear power stations are operating with failed and leaking nuclear fuel in the reactor core. NIRS and Union of Concerned Scientists jointly wrote the Commission on 02/28/2005 questioning the adequacy of NRC enforcement policy in light of a rising trend in nuclear fuel cladding failures in U.S. reactors.
NIRS presented to NRC Safety Research Conference on a panel discussion of “Material Degradation: Present and Future Directions” where NIRS revealed that a federal laboratory tests of mock-ups of the severely corroded as found Davis-Besse reactor pressure vessel head burst at less than the reactor’s normal operational pressure.