Note: Major Fukushima-related information is periodically covered in NIRS’ blog GreenWorld, at www.nirs.org. In addition, SimplyInfo.org is the best site for regularly updated information on the Fukushima aftermath and continuing technical and safety issues. This Fukushima crisis page will focus on studies, reports and other in-depth information.
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Audio file (mp3) of NIRS’ telebriefing featuring Fairewind Associates’ Arnie Gundersen and NIRS’ Mary Olson discussing their recent five-week trip to Japan on the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Fairewinds Associates has posted the NRC assessment referred to in yesterday’s New York Times (see April 6 update below). Well worth reading. This assessment warned of possible new damage from further aftershocks.
Video and statement by Green Action's Aileen Mioko Smith at march/rally celebrating the shutdown of two Takahama reactors by citizens who took the issue to court.
New PSR/IPPNW Report: 10,000 cancers expected in Japan as a result of Fukushima meltdowns, ongoing radiation exposure.
Citizens Nuclear Information Center (Tokyo) newsletter, including status of Fukshima accident and decommissioning activities five years later.
Summing up the health effects of the Fukushima disaster. A brief, but extremely useful summary of the health effects, both physical and mental, from British scientist Dr. Ian Fairlie.
Informal English translation of April 14 Japanese court decision barring restart of Takahama nuclear reactors. Decision challenges Japan's entire nuclear regulatory scheme, finding it inadequate to assure public safety. Prepared by Green Action in Japan.
Booklet from Japan's Peace Boat: 10 lessons from Fukushima: Reducing Risks and Protecting Communities from Nuclear Disasters.
Report from Japan’s Citizen Nuclear Information Center (CNIC): The State of Affairs and Ongoing Challenges of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: a Civil Society Response Towards Recovery.
SimplyInfo.org has released a new, 33-page report on the accident at Unit 2 at Fukushima Daiichi that began on March 11, 2011. Very worthwhile.
Sens. Boxer and Markey blast NRC for U.S.collaboration with Russia to gut international post-Fukushima nuclear safety rules.
Green Action blasts Sendai restart approval: Governor of Kagoshima fails Fukushima lessons: ignores science, safety and public opinion.
Statement from seven Japanese organizations challenging Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s draft approval of restart of Sendai reactors.
Statement of Green Action, . Third anniversary of the 3.11 great East Japan earthquake: those responsible for the Fukushima accident not held accountable; Japanese government pushing for restart of nuclear power.
Democracy Now video interview with former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on the Fukushima accident and why he now opposes nuclear power.
SimplyInfo.org, one of the best sites providing ongoing coverage of Fukushima issues, today published an explanation, including numerous photos, of holes leaking highly-radioactive water found in Unit-1 containment building.
Decontaminate the Fukushima Decontamination Project. Presentation by Tokyo City University emeritus professor Teiichi Aoyama details how efforts to decontaminate area around Fukushima are doing little except to enrich nuclear contractors.
Video proceedings from the March 11-12, 2013 Symposium on Medical and Ecological Consequences of Fukushima are now available.
Statement from Green Action: Japan Must Learn from the Lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
Lessons from the disaster. An interview with award-winning journalist and author of Countdown to Meltdown Yoichi Funabashi. Asahi Shimbun
Potential internal radiation doses from inhalation at Fukushima on March 14-15, 2011. Study for Greenpeace Germany by Dr. Oda Becker, WHO report essentially ignored these large early doses. (pdf)
GE and Hitachi are apparently proud of their destroyed Fukushima reactors. They put a promotional banner over the Unit 4 vessel head, which has now been removed from the reactor building (Unit 4 had no fuel in it at the time of the accident). Click photo for larger image.
Summary of Japan Cabinet report on Fukushima and aftermath. Both Tepco and government are still stumbling.
43 organizations tell National Academy of Sciences that unbalanced composition of committee to examine Fukushima disaster violates federal law.
Executive summary of Japan’s Parliamentary Inquiry into the Fukushima disaster that concluded that while it was triggered by the earthquake, it was a "profoundly man-made" disaster rooted in industry/government collusion.
Lessons from Fukushima. New report from Greenpeace International prepared for the first anniversary of Fukushima disaster.
Meanwhile, Tepco says it has achieved “stable cooling” of all of the reactors at the site. This might sound like good news until it is realized that Tepco does not mean the reactors are at cold shutdown. In fact, all 3 reactors with fuel in them remain above the boiling point of 100 degrees Centigrade, meaning that water continues to boil off and radiation continues to be released. Cold shutdown—bringing the temperatures below 100 degrees—is still not expected before What Tepco really means is that it has more or less successfully set up a system for water to be recirculated through the reactors, so that constant water from outside is no longer needed. However, the recirculation system has been plagued with problems from the beginning and continues to not work at desired capacity.
UPDATE, On November 30, Tepco released a document that acknowledged, for the first time, that fuel in Unit 1 of Fukushima Daiichi had likely melted through the reactor vessel onto the concrete basemat below.