Nuclear Monitor article () focuses on US Nuclear Regulatory Commission denies NIRS et al security contentions at re-licensed nuclear power stations citing terrorism as “speculative.”
Nuclear Monitor article () focuses on US Nuclear Regulatory Commission denies NIRS et al security contentions at re-licensed nuclear power stations citing terrorism as “speculative.”
Executive Summary of “Robust Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Neglected Issue of Homeland Security”, Institute for Resource and Security Studies () focuses on the vulnerability of irradiated fuel stored at the nation’s nuclear power stations to terrorism and what we can do about it.
Full report of “Robust Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Neglected Issue of Homeland Security”, Institute for Resource and Security Studies () focuses on the vulnerability of irradiated fuel stored at the nation’s nuclear power stations to terrorism and what we can do about it.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Order () issued denying State of Utah the right to raise security contentions in a nuclear licensing proceeding on Private Fuel Storage. Order cites terrorism as too “speculative” to be considered under any public hearing as required under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Order was separately applied to three other NRC licensing proceedings including security contentions raised by NIRS in the Duke Power license extension application for the Catawba and McGuire nuclear power stations.