New video from Fairewinds: Whose Fault? An examination of earthquake issues at Diablo Canyon reactors.
Green Action blasts Sendai restart approval: Governor of Kagoshima fails Fukushima lessons: ignores science, safety and public opinion.
On August 20, 2014, the NRC staff released a memo on its review of the NRC’s FOCD (foreign ownership, control or domination) provisions and its recommendation for changes to those provisions to the NRC Commissioners. As of this date, the NRC Commissioners have not taken action on this memo.
The documents include:
- The Staff Requirements Memo pdf
- A paper showing who commented, and summarizing what they said pdf
- The NRC staff's version of the legislative history of the FOCD provision pdf
- An overview of relevant case law and negation action plans summarized by NRC staff. pdf
- A discussion of the issues the NRC staff addressed. pdf
- A discussion of the options the NRC staff considered pdf
- Other U.S. government and foreign governments provisions on foreign ownership pdf
- For legal eagles, a list of all case and statutory references pdf
On August 20, 2014, the NRC staff released a memo on its review of the NRC’s FOCD (foreign ownership, control or domination) provisions and its recommendation for changes to those provisions to the NRC Commissioners. As of this date, the NRC Commissioners have not taken action on this memo.The documents include:
34 organizations, including NIRS, urge NRC to delay tentatively scheduled August 26 vote on new radioactive waste rule that would allow resumption of NRC licensing activities until after Commissioner Magwood’s August 31 departure from the agency. Groups earlier called for Magwood’s resignation over conflict of interest charges.
34 organizations, including NIRS, urge NRC to delay tentatively scheduled August 26 vote on new radioactive waste rule that would allow resumption of NRC licensing activities until after Commissioner Magwood’s August 31 departure from the agency. Groups earlier called for Magwood’s resignation over conflict of interest charges. Press release.
, 34 groups send letter to NRC Inspector General Hubert Bell asking for investigation into conflict of interest caused by Commissioner William Magwood’s acceptance of a position with nuclear promotional agency in Europe and his refusal to resign NRC position promptly. Groups also send letter to President Obama asking him to request Magwood’s immediate resignation. Press release.
Statement from seven Japanese organizations challenging Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s draft approval of restart of Sendai reactors.
NRC Commissioner William Magwood refuses to resign or recuse himself from agency decisionmaking despite accepting position with European agency that promotes nuclear power. 34 groups, including NIRS, had called for his resignation June 18.
Letter from attorney Diane Curran on behalf of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to NRC Chair Allison Macfarlane urging her to act to ensure that TVA completes post-Fukushima seismic and flooding studies, with full NRC review, before agency considers licensing of Watts Bar-2 reactor.