Video of today's NIRS webinar, Chernobyl +30: A Look from the Inside, with Lucas Hixson. Mr. Hixson recently traveled to Ukraine and visited the Chernobyl site. He takes us from the moment reactor Unit 4 failed on April 26, the aftermath, and the ongoing mitigation work, up to his own recent experiences living with today’s workers at the site of one of the largest man-made radioactive releases on the planet. Slides only from presentation.
NIRS webinar on investigation of reactor pressure vessel bolts at New York's Indian Point reactors, which revealed numerous deficiencies and failures. The webinar examines those failures and explores the implications for reactors across the U.S. and world. Full video/audio of webinar. Slides only from presentation by David Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists.
New report from Green Cross: The Financial Costs of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster: A Review of the Literature