Nuclear Monitor () Special Edition article on the issues of emergency planning following the Three Mile Island accident on March 28, 1979.
NIRS presented to NRC Safety Research Conference on a panel discussion of “Material Degradation: Present and Future Directions” where NIRS revealed that a federal laboratory tests of mock-ups of the severely corroded as found Davis-Besse reactor pressure vessel head burst at less than the reactor’s normal operational pressure.
GAO Report [] determining that the NRC and nuclear industry are falling behind in their accrual of sufficient funds to decommission and clean up radioactive contamination from nuclear power reactor operation.
Appendix from GAO report [] that lists the nuclear power stations that GAO has identified as falling behind in their accruing sufficient funds to adequately complete future decommissioning and radioactive cleanup operations.
NIRS comments to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for reactor license extensions or license renewal.
U.S. Government Accountability Office report to Congress () identifying weakness in NRC simulation “Force-On-Force” security exercises at nuclear power station.