This U.S. Government Accountability Office congressional testimony () is critical of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s oversight of revised Design Basis Threat validation of reactor security compliance.
This U.S. Government Accountability Office congressional testimony () is critical of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s oversight of revised Design Basis Threat validation of reactor security compliance.
NIRS in concert with a national coalition petitioned NRC for emergency enforcement action on BWR structural vulnerabilities to terrorism. 32 of the nation’s 104 licensed nuclear power stations are fatally designed and constructed so that irradiated fuel storage ponds are located literally on the roof of the reactor building in structures that NRC has identified in a pre-9/11 study as vulnerable to aircraft penetration. The same study identified that the resulting nuclear waste fire involving hundreds of tons of irradiated nuclear fuel would cause tens of thousands of fatalities out to 500 miles. An international coalition (US and Canada) has filed an emergency enforcement petition to NRC to address the structural vulnerabilities of these reactors or force their closure. Click here for Petition and Annex to the Petition. List of Affected Reactors.
On , Committee To Bridge the Gap (CBG) filed a Petition for Rulemaking to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission focused on revising the Design Basis Threat for nuclear power stations to contemplate and defend against realistic threat levels and to require that nuclear power station operators protect the facilities from attack by aircraft.
State of New Jersey letter () to NRC Region 1 outlining concerns for public safety from perceived vulnerabilities of the Oyster Creek nuclear power station to attack by aircraft and secrecy of federal and industry reports that might otherwise assuage such concerns.
NIRS allegation to NRC Nuclear Reactor Regulation regarding nuclear industry non-compliance with NRC Orders issued in 1998 to bring inoperable Thermo-Lag 330-1 fire barriers into compliance with federal law [10 CFR 50 Appendix R III.G.2] and instead substituting unapproved, largely unanalyzed and illegal Operator Manual Actions with a particular focus on Florida’s Crystal River nuclear power station.
GAO Report (2004) “Nuclear Regulation: NRC’s Liability Insurance Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants Owned by Limited Liability Companies” looks at the growing number of “limited liability corporations” owning more and more nuclear power stations. The government oversight agency reports, interestingly enough considering the Davis-Besse fiasco and its report on decommissioning shortfalls, that as long as industry is have financial resources to cover safe operation and contribute to decommissioning funds, “they are likely to be capable of paying their retrospective premiums” for Price Anderson liability coverage