Brief Virginia Tech paper showing nuclear power by far the most water-intensive means of producing electricity (page 8). This has enormous implications because, as the report notes, 36 states face water shortages in the next 10 years.
Amory Lovins describes the myriad of drawbacks to three reactor designs frequently touted by nuclear advocates and others hoping for some type of nuclear holy grail—i.e. a safe, affordable, reduced-waste atomic reactor. Lovins looks at Integrated Fast Reactors, Thorium reactors, and “small” modular reactors. Nope, the search for the grail is still on…..Reprinted from Nuclear Monitor.
Voices from Three Mile Island - A radio show produced in 1980, originally broadcast on 65 public radio stations across the United States on the first anniversary of the accident at Three Mile Island. For free MP3 audio download or for listening on the web go to