At least one reactor at the complex, Fukushima I-3, began using MOX (mixed plutonium-uranium) fuel in
On , the same Fukushima I-2 reactor experienced a loss-of-power accident. According to Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, “On June 17, Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima I-2 (BWR, 784MW) scrammed due to a problem with the generator. Power was lost for a time, because the switchover to the offsite power supply was unsuccessful. As a result, the feedwater pump stopped and the water level in the reactor core fell about 2 meters. The emergency diesel generator started up just in time, so the Emergency Core Cooling System was not activated. The water level was restored by an alternative pump in the core isolation cooling system.”
Petition for Rulemaking submitted to NRC by Foundation for Resilient Societies to protect irradiated fuel pools at reactors from effects of long-term power outages , which would make cooling the pools (and reactors themselves) impossible. The petition specifically addresses large solar flare disruptions, which could cause severe damage to some vulnerable electrical grids resulting in widespread and lengthy blackouts.
Greenpeace fact sheet on Vermont Yankee relicensing. The Vermont legislature will be determining the fate of this reactor soon. Act now!