Comments from Pilgrim Watch to NRC in support of adding filtered containment vents to GE Mark I and II reactors
Comments from Pilgrim Watch to NRC in support of adding filtered containment vents to GE Mark I and II reactors
Federal court to hear appeal from NIRS, 8 other groups, on AP 1000 reactor design and Vogtle licensing on Monday, November 19. Busloads of people from Vogtle area are coming in….
GE and Hitachi are apparently proud of their destroyed Fukushima reactors. They put a promotional banner over the Unit 4 vessel head, which has now been removed from the reactor building (Unit 4 had no fuel in it at the time of the accident). Click photo for larger image.
NRC rules in favor of intervenor groups (including NIRS): suspends final decisions on licenses for all new reactors and license renewals until waste confidence rule–overturned by federal court–is addressed.
Summary of Japan Cabinet report on Fukushima and aftermath. Both Tepco and government are still stumbling.
43 organizations tell National Academy of Sciences that unbalanced composition of committee to examine Fukushima disaster violates federal law.