Radioactive Waste
PowerPoint presentation by Bob Halstead of Nevada’s Agency for Nuclear Projects on the potential impacts of large-scale radioactive waste transport to Yucca Mountain on Native American lands.
Factsheets on West Valley:
- Nuclear Waste and West Valley
- The Real Costs of Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste: Summary of Report Findings
- History of West Valley
- Severe Erosion Problems at West Valley Site
- Drinking Water Costs & Public Health Impacts
- Valuing the Future: The Viability of Institutional Controls Over 1,000 Years
- List of Proposed Nuclear Power Reactors and Irradiated Fuel Reprocessing Facilities in the US
- Letter from clean energy groups to DOE and NYSERDA on Probabilistic Performance Assessment that is now part of the plan for West Valley, with recommendations to ensure promised transparency provisions are met. The PPA will be used to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to be carried out by 2020.