December 14, 2001 NIRS comments to U.S. Department of Energy on its last second changes to its 17 year old repository site suitability guidelines because Yucca Mountain could not live up to them. Update
December 6, 2001 Protest U.S. Chamber of Commerce to dump atomic waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Alert!
November 17, 2001 Five Initial Observations by Gorleben International Peace Team on the human rights situation in Wendland, Germany during the transport of high-level radioactive waste, NIRS’ Kevin Kamps served as a GIPT human rights monitor. (for more on past activities at German waste transports, check here) Update
November 17, 2001 Gorleben International Peace Team (GIPT) press release, “The Peaceful Atom? International Team Observes Human Rights Violations during Radioactive Waste Shipment to Gorleben,” NIRS’ Kevin Kamps served as a GIPT human rights monitor during the police crackdown on resistance against the shipment of high-level radioactive waste to Gorleben, Germany. Press Release
October 25, 2001 Press release: U.S. atomic waste transport train postponed for security reasons, Update
October 10, 2001 Submit public comments to DOE on its Preliminary Site Suitability Evaluation for Yucca Mountain Alert!
October 4, 2001 NIRS comments on the Secretary of Energy’s “Possible Site Recommendation for Yucca Mountain,” Nevada, for Development as a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository, Update
September 20, 2001 Despite new fear of terrorism, DOE railroads Mobile Chernobyl decision toward approval. NIRS article on the terrorist threat to high-level radioactive waste shipments, Update