Radioactive Waste
NIRS expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences at the passing of Corbin Harney, Western Shoshone Indian spiritual leader, and leader of the resistance to nuclear weapons testing and radioactive waste dumping on Western Shoshone lands in Nevada. Link to public statement by Corbin’s immediate family. Photos of Western Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney leading sacred ceremonies during the 2000 Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Action Camp
30 minute television interview hosted by Dave Kraft of Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago, with guests Shaun Burnie (European nuclear waste consultant) and Aileen Mioko Smith (of Green Action in Kyoto, Japan) on the many risks of commercial nuclear waste reprocessing under the Bush Administration's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership proposal.
NIRS salutes the determined activists of South Carolina who have been waging a campaign to close the Barnwell "low-level" nuclear waste dump. A first step was accomplished in April when the South Carolina House committee on Agriculture and Environmental Affairs voted unanimously (with only 2 abstentions, including the bill sponsor) against a bill that would…
10 Attorneys General oppose Senate’s high-level waste interim storage bill. Letter. Press Release.