Radioactive Waste
34 environmental/clean energy organizations submit Petition for Rulemaking to NRC calling for suspension of all licensing activity until NRC addresses new findings on nuclear reactor fuel pools fire risks and costs. Press release.
33 environmental organizations warn NRC Commissioners that pending vote expected to confirm staff decision not to require expedited movement of reactor fuel from pools to dry casks must meet NEPA and AEA requirements. Groups assert that NRC staff has provided inadequate basis under these laws to support its position.
NIRS delivers signatures of 42,000+ people urging stop to Mobile Chernobyl bill (S. 1240) to Senate Energy Committee. Press release.
West Valley is highly erosion-prone and climate change is making it worse. In 2009 there was a huge flood that eroded nearby streams closer to the buried waste. Here are comments submitted in March 2013 on this danger. For over 2 years DOE and NYSERDA have failed to discuss and consider public suggestions made for studies to be done at West Valley. In August 2013, groups will meet with DOE and NYSERDA to discuss these and the failure to truly incorporate dangers of climate change into ongoing studies and planning.
Senate Gang of 4 releases waste bill encouraging "interim" storage. Bill text and other documents.
The Senate Energy Committee has posted all of the comments (more than 3,000) it received on its draft radwaste bill.
Comments from 100 environmental/clean energy organizations in opposition to "consolidated interim storage" provisions in Senate Energy Committee discussion draft legislation on high-level radioactive waste. Press Release.