10 Attorneys General oppose Senate’s high-level waste interim storage bill. Letter. Press Release.
10 Attorneys General oppose Senate’s high-level waste interim storage bill. Letter. Press Release.
Dec. 2005 NRC map showing locations of dry cask storage facilities at commercial nuclear power plants and other sites across the U.S. The map also shows the numbers of loaded dry casks at certain sites. This map was provided to NIRS by NRC after NIRS specifically requested it from the NRC Spent (sic) Fuel Project Office. The map on NRC’s website (at http://www.nrc.gov/waste/spent-fuel-storage/locations.html) is over two years older, and does not provide any information on the numbers of loaded dry casks at each site.”
“Robust Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Neglected Issue of Homeland Security”, Gordon Tompson. Institute for Resource and Security Studies. Focuses on the vulnerability of irradiated fuel stored at the nation’s nuclear power stations to terrorism and what we can do about it. Executive Summary and Full report.