Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free
Major World Wildlife Fund study on how to bring the entire planet to 100% renewables by mid-century; includes explanation of why nuclear power is no solution to climate change or world’s energy future. Worthwhile.
Battle of the Grids. New Greenpeace International report subtitled “How Europe can go 100% renewable and phase out dirty energy.” Though Europe focused, its implications apply elsewhere. How smart grids, micro grids and super grids will enable the transition from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewables.
Powering a Green Planet. Interactive website put together by Scientific American that amplifies on the November 2009 cover story: A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030, in which two California professors lay out a clear plan for the U.S. to become 100% renewable-powered by 2030.
Can we go carbon-free, nuclear-free! A resounding Yes! says a new report prepared for Greenpeace by German Aerospace Center (German counterpart to NASA). Energy [r]evolution: A sustainable USA concludes that a virtually carbon-free, nuclear-free energy future for the U.S. is possible by mid-century, at an acceptable economic cost. Download here.
Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy, A new report from Institute for Energy and Environmental Research is available at