June 29, 2001 NIRS’ Comments to the Department of Energy on the Bush/Cheney Energy Plan Highlighting the Promise of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies () Update
June 1, 2001 Four Congressional briefing summaries that offer a variety of solutions for the nation’s energy challenges that can be implemented in the short and long term (Environmental and Energy Study Institute, ). Update
May 17, 2001 Bush-Cheney Energy Plan: Plunder, Pollute, Price-Gouge and Profiteer (Public Citizen’s Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program, ) Update
May 17, 2001 Press Release on Bush-Cheney National Energy Tragedy, (NIRS and Environmental Advocates, ) Press Release
May 17, 2001 Bush Plan for Nuclear Power and Plutonium Invites Nuclear Accidents and Proliferation (Nuclear Control Institute, ) Update
May 17, 2001 Revival of Pyroprocessing Technology Poses Serious Proliferation Dangers (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, ) Update
February 26, 2001 Senate Energy Bills seek more nukes! Article, from Jan/Feb Nuclear Monitor. Text of Murkowski bill (500+k, ), introduced Summary of bill (prepared by Senate Energy Committee). Update