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News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • Nuclear Newsreel, Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Nuclear “renaissance” in Indiana lasts less than 2 weeks; Senator withdraws bill to encourage new nukes. The chair of the state’s Senate Utilities Committee, James Merritt (R-Indianapolis), introduced a bill that would have put Indiana on par with Georgia and South Carolina by requiring ratepayers to pay in advance for any nuclear reactor a utility…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    When nuclear reactors operate, they usually run flat out, at full power. The problem for the nuclear industry is that as reactors age, they increasingly don’t run at all. In North Carolina over the weekend, smoke from a transformer shut down the Shearon Harris reactor for the third time in less than a year. And,…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, Friday, January 17, 2016

    Democracy Now has been reporting on Fukushima all week; their website on their coverage is well worth a visit. It includes coverage of growing protests against reactor restarts, interviews with Fukushima refugees, and much more. Note: some of the articles do not yet have full transcripts as of this morning, but they say they will…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, January 16, 2014

    Strike threat looms at Entergy’s Indian Point reactors, already battered by economic & legal challenges. The unions, including control room operators, are threatening a strike at Indian Point and have even set up “practice” picket lines in front of the site. But this story goes beyond the labor strife and looks more deeply at the…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    Two articles from very different places, WUSA-TV and Navy Times, that belong together: Maryland man, former sailor aboard navy carrier USS Ronald Reagan, blames Fukushima radiation for his serious health problems. Dr. Richard Gale–the go-to guy for those who want to downplay radiation effects, says it just can’t be. But the sailor has joined the…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    Two former PMs team up to turn Tokyo Governor’s race into referendum on nuclear power. This could turn out to be a significant “off-year” election as two popular former Prime Ministers team up (one running for Governor, the other in support of the candidacy) to explicitly challenge current Prime Minister Abe’s policies on nuclear power…

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  • DOE_Solar_Deployment

    Nuclear Newsreel, Monday, January 13, 2014

    People are the same all over, aren’t they? Nobody wants radioactive waste dumps: Czech Republic suspends repository survey at Kraví Hora. This is about a week old, but very important. From Joe Romm at ClimateProgress (an often useful blog to follow): 60 Minutes hit job on clean energy ignores the facts. This not only provides…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, January 10, 2014

    Florida lawmaker seeks major changes to state energy laws to promote renewables & end early cost recovery for nukes. Great quote from State Rep. Dwight Dudley (D-St. Petersburg): “When it comes to energy policy, Florida is in the Stone Age,” Dudley said. “How is it that New Jersey is ahead of the Sunshine State when…

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