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News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • One half of the new

    Nuclear Newsreel, Thursday, April 3, 2014

    Nuclear Power Another day, another poll–this one from Gallup–showing Americans support renewables & conservation, oppose more nukes. You’d think politicians, who are supposedly expert at reading polls, might have figured out which side of the issue to be on by now. But they haven’t. Eight hour Alert over after smoke seen at Exelon’s Fukushima-clone Quad…

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  • Florida's St. Lucie reactors. Photo from

    Nuclear Newsreel, Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    Nuclear Power Exelon is up to its old tricks–the kind that already got it kicked out of the American Wind Energy Association. The nuclear giant is once again trying to kill production tax credits for wind and solar power, but it sure doesn’t want to give up its taxpayer subsidies for nuclear power. The reason…

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  • New York's Indian Point reactors

    You know the nuclear industry is desperate when…

    You know the nuclear power industry is getting desperate when it solicits its CEOs to start piling on ghost-written op-eds in publications chosen for their reach to key audiences. And you know the industry is really desperate when it brings out big guns like a couple of paid-for former U.S. Senators to support nuclear power…

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  • burnsasmanager

    Opening Day: Hope, activism, and the future of nuclear power

    Today is Major League Baseball’s Opening Day. Forget for a moment that technically three real baseball games already have been played; today is the official opening day for most teams. Opening Day is a day of hope and renewal. There are 30 teams in major league baseball: as the season starts, they are all even…

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  • Levelized costs of electricity resources, from ACEEE. Note: we have seen some projected nuclear prices at even higher levels than shown here.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Thursday, March 27, 2014

    A Nuclear Newsreel today focused mostly on clean energy developments…Note: GreenWorld will not publish tomorrow, March 28, 2014 (the 35th anniversary of the Three Mile Island accident). We’ll be back on Monday, March 31 with a special Opening Day essay! Watch for it. Another one bites the dust. A major investor drops out of proposed…

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  • An Areva EPR reactor under construction in Finland--way over-budget and behind schedule.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    Nuclear Power An investigation by the Mainichi newspaper found that a Japanese government team withheld high radiation data monitored at three sites near the damaged Fukushima reactors. The team also seems to want to change its assumptions about radiation exposure–a move that would lower projected doses. For example, their original assumption was that farmers in…

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  • Diablo Canyon

    Nuclear Newsreel, Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    What kids pick up at school can lead to wholly unanticipated consequences, as every parent knows. And no, I’m not talking about their schoolwork, I’m talking about the virus that tore through our house last week with a hurricane-force torrent and laid up Daddy for five full days (kids, of course, were fine after 24…

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  • Nuclear power hasn't worked out so well for Ukraine so far. There is no reason to believe it's going to help now either.

    Nuclear industry’s wishful thinking knows no bounds: No, Ukraine crisis is not going to boost nukes in Europe

    Nuclear power hasn’t worked out so well for Ukraine so far. There is no reason to believe it’s going to help now either. Never let it be said that the global nuclear power industry lets a good crisis go to waste….the industry is now promoting the far-fetched notion that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia…

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  • The Czech Republic's Temelin nuclear site from a cemetery across the street. Photo by Michael Mariotte.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Wednesday, March 19, 2014

    Nuclear Power *It’s probably a lost cause, and it’s certainly a dangerous, expensive and unnecessary program, but that isn’t stopping South Carolina from trying to keep those taxpayer pork dollars flowing to the Savannah River Site. Yesterday, the state filed suit against the Department of Energy for its recent announced plan–which it appears to be…

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  • This is Germany today, but it is what the U.S. will increasingly look  like over the next decade.

    Goldman Sachs sees a solar future for the U.S.–and that has nuclear utilities running scared.

    This is Germany today, but it is what the U.S. will increasingly look like over the next decade. Goldman Sachs says declining prices of solar plus battery storage means that by 2033 homeowners will no longer need to be on the grid in U.S. And that will happen sooner in expensive electricity states like New…

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