GreenWorld Archives · Page 26 of 32 · NIRS

Green World Blog

News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • Entergy's Palisades reactor has the most embrittled reactor pressure vessel in the U.S., major maintenance and equipment issues, and a very uncertain future. Photo from Wikipedia.

    Why are Entergy executives selling their stock?

    Entergy’s Palisades reactor has the most embrittled reactor pressure vessel in the U.S., major maintenance and equipment issues, and a very uncertain future. Photo from Wikipedia. Over the last few months, there has been a bit of a selling spree of Entergy stock. But this sell-off isn’t coming from just anybody: these sales are by…

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  • Japan's Rokkasho reprocessing plant. Photo by Greenpeace

    Nuclear Newsreel, Monday, April 14, 2014

    Japan’s Rokkasho reprocessing plant. Photo by Greenpeace Nuclear Power Babcock & Wilcox, best known for designing the Three Mile Island reactors, cuts back on its Small Modular Reactor program because it can’t find investors. Because, really, who would want one? NRC respect for judicial process in action: the agency approved a new uranium mine in…

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  • Anti-nuclear protestors crash the gates at Temelin in 1996. We came back again in greater numbers the next year.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Friday, April 11, 2014

    A very abbreviated Nuclear Newsreel today as I have to run off early–my band is playing tonight. Sound checks and fast food–ah, the life of a rock and roll star…. hey, even an activist has to have a life! Anti-nuclear protestors crash the gates at Temelin in 1997. It’s absolutely shameful, but the U.S. Ambassador…

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  • No new reactors will be added to the existing Temelin site. Photo by Michael Mariotte.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Nuclear Power No new reactors will be added to the existing Temelin site. Photo by Michael Mariotte. Another one bites the dust: Czech utility CEZ cancels new reactors at Temelin; utility’s stock immediately rises more than three percent. CEZ had planned to build two new reactors at its long-controversial Temelin site, but wanted government subsidies…

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  • The nuclear power industry's worst nightmare looks a lot like this.

    Whine, whine. The nuclear industry thinks it’s under siege.

    The nuclear power industry’s worst nightmare looks a lot like this. We couldn’t have written a better headline ourselves: Nuclear power industry under seige, FirstEnergy exec warns.  Never mind the misspelling of “siege,” newspapers are having a hard enough time these days… The article leads off: “The nuclear power industry finds itself buffeted by financial…

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  • Fukushima radiation plume overlaid on map centered at Indian Point reactors. Can anyone (other than NRC) seriously believe this area can be successfully evacuated in a nuclear accident? From Samuel Lawrence Foundation website.

    The NRC failed the American people

    Fukushima radiation plume overlaid on map centered at Indian Point reactors. Can anyone (other than NRC) seriously believe this area can be successfully evacuated in a nuclear accident? From Samuel Lawrence Foundation website. Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission formally denied the petition for rulemaking initially submitted by NIRS and 37 co-petitioners on February 15, 2012…

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  • Vladimir Sliviak

    Nuclear Newsreel, Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    Nuclear Power The mainstream media, in this case the Orange County Register, has finally taken note of a lawsuit filed by dozens of U.S. sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan alleging they have suffered health effects from Fukushima radiation. The ship provided assistance to Japan in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima accident,…

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  • New York's Indian Point reactors. Photo from wikipedia.

    Nuclear Newsreel, Monday, April 7, 2014

    Nuclear Power The New York Times reported over the weekend that dozens of U.S. reactors are more vulnerable to earthquakes than previously believed. The NRC has been requiring utilities to re-evaluate their ability to withstand possible earthquakes in their regions based on growing knowledge about plate tectonics and the nature of earthquakes–a process that began…

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  • The Hinkley Point A and B reactors; the UK government now wants to add a couple Plan C EPRs.

    UK: trying to offer worst possible deal for ratepayers?

    The Hinkley Point A and B reactors; the UK government now wants to add a couple Plan C EPRs. Photo: Wikipedia The U.K. is already receiving substantial criticism from across Europe about its plan to subsidize the cost of proposed Areva EPR reactors at Hinkley Point–subsidized to a level that may well be rejected by…

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  • Nuclear Newsreel, Friday, April 4, 2014

    A new report from the Department of Energy’s Inspector General says that some 2,000 radioactive waste capsules currently held underwater at a Hanford, Washington facility should be moved to dry storage because of the risk of earthquakes in the region. “We acknowledge the budgetary challenges facing the department and its impact on moving the capsules…

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