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Green World Blog

News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • Carol Browner. Photo from wikimedia commons.

    With a reliance on nuclear industry talking points, Carol Browner continues to embarrass herself

    Carol Browner. Photo from wikimedia commons. Former White House climate “czar” and now Nuclear Matters shill Carol Browner continues to embarrass herself with her ill-informed, although presumably lucrative, rants in support of nuclear power no matter its bevy of environmental, safety and economic failings. One hopes that, if not Browner herself, at least the League…

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  • Ramping-Up-Renewables-Infographic_FINAL_Full-Size-Panel-1-Web-Version

    Is storage the new solar? And other news from our solar future…

    It wasn’t that long ago–what, just seven, eight years ago now–that solar power was considered, justifiably, an expensive niche technology. Sure, environmentally solar power has always reigned supreme and there were enough people wanting clean energy for their homes to keep the industry in business, but solar was just too costly for mainstream use. But…

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  • yucca102

    The return of Yucca Mountain?

    The tortured history of the Yucca Mountain radioactive waste project took another twist Thursday as the NRC released a key portion of its Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for the project. Judging from the reaction of the nuclear industry and its backers, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the release of Volume 3 (of five volumes,…

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  • Nuclear Matters doesn't matter because its fundamental argument doesn't make sense. Not to these marchers, not to the general public, not even to politicians.

    Why Nuclear Matters doesn’t matter

    Nuclear Matters doesn’t matter because its fundamental argument doesn’t make sense. Not to these marchers, not to the general public, not even to politicians. Regular readers of GreenWorld know that we have dropped a lot of digital ink writing about Nuclear Matters, the astroturf group launched by Exelon early this year to try to make…

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  • Will NRC allow more foreign ownership of U.S. reactors?

    Section 103(d) of the Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. § 2133) states in plain language: “No license may be issued to an alien or any corporation or other entity if the Commission knows or has reason to believe it is owned, controlled, or dominated by an alien, a foreign corporation, or a foreign government.” Those…

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  • There are two GE Mark I reactors at Exelon's uneconomic Quad Cities site.

    NEI’s Exelon numbers don’t add up

    There are two old and particularly dangerous GE Mark I reactors at Exelon’s uneconomic Quad Cities site. On May 29, 2014, the Illinois House, under pressure from the state’s largest utility Exelon, which is also the nation’s most nuclear-dependent utility, passed a resolution (HR 1146)  that urged state agencies to prepare reports that would show…

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  • IEA projections for solar PV by region.

    Nuclear heartburn: even IEA says solar could become world’s dominant energy source

    IEA projections for solar PV by region. Sending chills down the spine of nuclear and coal utility executives across the world, the International Energy Agency (IEA) yesterday released two reports that assert solar power could become the dominant source of global electricity production by mid-century. This is the same IEA that has consistently and dramatically…

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  • On Sunday we marched en masse, with a message of the solution to the climate crisis. The nuclear industry is fighting back.

    The nuclear industry’s game plan: kill the competition and fleece the ratepayers

    On Sunday we marched en masse, with a message of the solution to the climate crisis. The nuclear industry is fighting back. Photo by Paule Saviano. What was that we said just two days ago? Now that the climate march is over, the real work begins…. The past two days have demonstrated, in almost shocking…

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  • marching

    Nuke-Free photo gallery now online

    NIRS has now posted a photo gallery of the massive Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent at the People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21, 2014. The gallery is rather randomly ordered right now–something we hope to fix if and when we get a few minutes (hours) in the near future–and we also expect to…

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  • The Cape Cod portion of the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent preparing to march.

    We made history; now the real work starts

    The Cape Cod portion (and a few South Carolinians) of the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent preparing to march. No matter how you look at it, 400,000 is a lot of people. It’s not the largest crowd I’ve ever been in: that was the nearly two million at President Obama’s first inauguration. Nor the largest demonstration: that…

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