GreenWorld Archives · Page 11 of 32 · NIRS

Green World Blog

News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future

  • The bathtub curve for aging reactors, developed by David Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists. Most U.S. reactors are already in the right side of the tub, with both costs and safety risks increasing.

    80 years? Not very likely.

    The bathtub curve for aging reactors, developed by David Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists. Most U.S. reactors are already in the right side of the tub, with both costs and safety risks increasing. Last week, CNBC ran a story sure to elevate the blood pressure of clean energy activists everywhere: No more nukes? How…

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  • The NRC's logo. Some might question the agency's commitment to its tag line.

    Obama nominates former Exelon official/DOE safety advocate to NRC

    The NRC’s logo. Some might question the agency’s commitment to its tag line. President Obama has nominated a Bush-era DOE official, Jessie Roberson, to fill the final seat on the five member Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Roberson also worked for Exelon, the largest nuclear utility in the U.S., from 2004-2006, as Director of Nuclear Regulatory Programs.…

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  • This trend is clear: Solar and wind are already cheaper than coal and will become more so; and will beat out natural gas as well. Nuclear is so expensive it's off the chart. Chart from Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

    There’s a trend here.

    This trend is clear: Solar and wind are already cheaper than coal and will become more so; and will beat out natural gas as well. Nuclear is so expensive it’s off the chart. Chart from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Every day I take an hour or two to scan dozens of articles from across the…

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  • As we reported in June, the EIA found that nuclear power wouldn't help reduce carbon emissions at all under the Clean Power Plan. So there's no rational reason for the EPA to support it.

    The nuclear industry is still lobbying for a bailout in EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Maybe you should be lobbying too.

    As we reported in June, the EIA found that nuclear power wouldn’t help reduce carbon emissions at all under the Clean Power Plan. Instead, it would just inhibit solar deployment. So there’s no rational reason for the EPA to support it. The final language of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) is supposed to be…

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  • Chinese_solar_roofs

    Too cheap to meter? Not nuclear–solar!

    The nuclear power industry certainly rues the day the concept that atomic electricity would be “too cheap to meter” entered the public’s mind. The phrase has become inextricably linked with nuclear power, but not in the way its creators envisioned: instead of as a success story, it has become a symbol of nuclear power’s economic…

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  • Still more ratepayer bailouts needed, says Entergy exec

    “I’ve made it clear FitzPatrick [pictured here, from NRC] has been a marginal unit for a while,” he said. “We’re really counting on some positive changes in market design to be able to continue to run it,” says Entergy exec William Mohl.The nuclear power industry increasingly reminds one of nothing so much as the spoiled…

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  • dont-nuke-the-climate

    Don’t Nuke the Climate! The launch of a new campaign.

    Today, seven international clean energy organizations launched a major new campaign aimed at keeping nuclear power out–as in completely out–of all negotiations at the upcoming COP 21 climate talks in Paris in December. The seven initiating groups are NIRS, WISE, Sortir du Nucleaire, Ecodefense, Global 2000, WECF, and Germany’s Burgerinitiative Umweltschutz. The logos of each…

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  • Global solar growth as projected by UBS. Solar has barely even begun its growth spurt...

    UBS: Solar will be the default technology, and will replace nukes and coal

    Global solar growth as projected by UBS. Solar has barely even begun its growth spurt… A key factor in our belief that a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system is not only inevitable but will be here sooner than nearly everyone currently believes, is not just the factual evidence of its mind-boggling, rocketing growth. Renewables are growing…

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  • yale-climate-opinion-6-researchrenewableenergy

    Keeping up with the polls…

    Graphic from Yale Project on Climate Change Communications. We’ve pointed it out here before, but it bears saying again: Americans love renewable energy. There’s just no ifs, ands or buts about it. The map above from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications, which breaks down support for renewable energy at the county level, shows…

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  • EIA_CPP_study_Fig_21_cumulative_capacity_changes

    New EIA analysis shows nukes don’t help reduce carbon emissions under EPA’s Clean Power Plan

    The Environmental Protection Agency has not yet released the final version of its Clean Power Plan (CPP), but reportedly has sent it to the White House for final review and the public release is expected in August. But the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA), which typically has vastly underestimated and under-projected the growth…

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