Nukes and Climate Change
Study from Oxford Research Group finds nuclear power still poses all of its traditional problems, and cannot help with climate change. “If one were to set out to design from scratch a solution for the problem of climate change in a world without nuclear power, there is little chance that anyone would come up with nuclear power as that solution, or, if they did, that anyone would think that nuclear power was anywhere near acceptable.”
Major study from Austrian government re-examines nuclear power. Conclusion: “Austria takes the view that electricity production from Nuclear Energy is neither sustainable nor environmentally sound and is therefore not suitable to contribute to the solution of the climate problem or the peak oil crisis…” . (4 mb).
Click here to hear a radio show broadcast on WPFW, Pacifica radio in Washington DC, on , on upcoming NGO report on World Bank energy lending policies. Guests include NIRS executive director Michael Mariotte.
Insurmountable Risks: The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power to Combat Global Climate Change, Brice Smith, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. The large number of reactors required for nuclear power to play any meaningful role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions greatly complicates the efforts required to deal with its unique vulnerabilities including the potential for the nuclear fuel cycle to enable nuclear weapons proliferation, the risks from catastrophicreactor accidents, and the difficulties of managing long-lived and highly radiotoxic nuclear waste.