Nukes and Climate Change
A new report argues that the world’s supply of uranium ore is now so depleted that the nuclear industry may already have passed the point at which it is able to supply the energy needed even to dispose of its own wastes. In The Lean Guide to Nuclear Energy, A Life-Cycle in Trouble, British energy economist David Fleming details how the nuclear industry will be forced to become a major net user of energy, almost all of it from fossil fuels. ‘The evidence is clear: even under the most optimistic scenarios for uranium supplies, the industry will face `energy bankruptcy’ in a matter of decades,’ says Fleming.
German Green Party has released an English version of its plan to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2020 while keeping to Germany’s timetable for phasing out nuclear power. You can download a copy of the document here.
Profitable, Business-Led Solutions to the Climate, Oil, and Nuclear Proliferation Problems: Powerpoint presentation from Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute, at Volvo Environmental Prize Awards, in Stockholm, Sweden.
Resource Paper (including 2 pages of citations) by Mary Olson: “The New Nuclear Deal with India and the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership are Not a Solution to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation; Expanding Nuclear Power is Not a Solution to the Climate Crisis”