Contact your US Representatives and tell them to vote NO on a nuclear waste bill being rushed through Congress—one of the most dangerous we have seen. U.S. Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) bill H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017, threatens nearly every state with decades of nuclear waste shipments. The bill passed the House Energy committee in July 2017, and Congressional leaders are pushing for the House to approve it before the end of the year.
Rep. Shimkus’ bill would launch thousands of shipments of the deadliest radioactive nuclear waste ever made via truck, train, and/or barge shipments through 45 states, including the hearts of many major cities and farmlands, all headed for Yucca Mountain, Nevada and supposedly “interim” parking lot dumps. These shipments would pass through 370 of the 435 congressional districts across the U.S.
This dangerous bill must be stopped! Contact your Congressional representatives and urge them to VOTE NO on H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendment Acts of 2017.
The bill aims to revive the canceled, unsuitable Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump that is located on sacred Native American land and is incapable of isolating nuclear waste as it is located on high-risk earthquake fault lines and vital water systems.
The bill would legalize the opening of centralized interim storage sites for radioactive waste now proposed in Texas and New Mexico, ultimately creating de facto permanent parking lot dumps for nuclear waste.
This is a major fight you can help win! Stopping this bill is of paramount importance to prevent high-level nuclear threats across the country for the next 40 years. We can’t allow Rep. Shimkus and other pro-nuclear legislators to Waste America.
This bill will not just put our nation’s nuclear waste policy on the wrong track–it will step on the gas and tear out the brakes. It ignores environmental concerns, Native American land rights and sovereignty, states’ rights to protect their residents and natural resources, and attempts to truncate public review in order to force failed, illusory solutions on the American people: Yucca Mountain and consolidated “interim” storage–both of which have proven to be unworkable. It does nothing to make storing and managing nuclear waste less dangerous, wherever it is.
We need to prevent this bill from hitting the House floor. Contact your Congressional representatives and tell them to vote “NO!”.
Additional information on Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017 (H.R. 3053), organizing and educational resources to use in your community, and transportation maps and statistics are available on our Don’t Waste America campaign page.