Put a Mask on the West Valley Nuclear Waste Site
New Yorkers own the West Valley Nuclear Waste Site which is upstream and upwind of Buffalo and the rest of NY, the Seneca Nation of Indians Territories and Canada. Highly radioactive nuclear power and weapons fuel was reprocessed there to extract plutonium and uranium, leaving one of the most intensely radioactive sites in the world. The US Department of Energy is tasked with “cleaning it up” and they are about to demolish the above ground part of the super-radioactive reprocessing building as soon as Spring 2021. Much appreciation for the workers who have been suiting up and clearing out the building and removing as much radioactivity as they can before demolition–but radioactivity remains in the thick walls and steel-reinforced structures.
Help protect the health of New Yorkers! Please click to send the letter below to your NYS Assembly-member, Senator, Gov Cuomo and Lt. Gov Hochul to let them know:
1) We need an enclosure over the building(s) during demolition (and future excavation) at West Valley to prevent any radioactive materials from spreading to the air, land, water, people, flora, fauna and environment AND
2) We need continuous, real time, offsite, air and water monitoring and publically accessible reporting before, during and after the demolition of one of the most radioactive buildings in the nuclear power and weapons complex.